Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Plastics Recycling Update Magazine: NewsBits

## NewsBits

AT&T has [introduced]( a line of **USB charging units and cables with housings made from 30 percent recycled post-consumer plastic**. The devices are Energy Star 5 rated and draw minimal power when not in use.

Chemical company **BASF and the Seattle Mariners** tonight will be handing out [10,000 bags of peanuts housed in a 100-percent compostable plastic snack bag]( The team, which is on track to divert 85 percent of its waste stream from landfills (up from 12 percent in 2006), says that compostable snack bags are a big piece of reaching its self-imposed 90-percent diversion goal. "All of our service ware is already compostable, but snack food bags have been one of the biggest barriers preventing us from getting to our goal," said Mariners VP of Operations, Scott Jenkins. "Flexible packaging made with BASF biopolymers could represent the holy grail of greening for our waste stream." The ballpark's composting program was the subject of a two articles (available [here]( and [here]( in _Resource Recycling_.

Intrepid British adventurer Jeremy Roswell has announced a solo, **10,000-mile flight from Sydney, Australia to London, using fuel derived from plastic waste**. Cynar, Plc will [supply]( the 106 gallons of diesel fuel for the flight, sourced from approximately 5.5 tons of plastic scrap.

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