Thursday, September 27, 2012

E-Scrap News Magazine: NewsBits

## NewsBits

The **U.S. Postal Service has expanded its electronics take-back program** to 3,100 retail locations. USPS has [partnered]( with Environmental Reclamation Services subsidiary MaxBack to provide consumers with quotes for the estimated trade-in value of their items and the shipping of used electronics to recycling facilities.

The **R2 Technical Advisory Committee will hold its next public meeting October 9-10** in Chicago to discuss the upcoming R2:2013 revisions to the standard. Those interested in attending are encouraged to [contact]( Jody Erikson of The Keystone Center.

The **Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality** has [announced]( nearly $1.7 million in grants for waste reduction and recycling projects, including over **$22,000 for continued e-scrap collection events**.

**Solvay has opened a pair of rare earth recycling lines in France**. The project, which has been in development for over four years, will [recover]( materials from light bulbs batteries, and magnets from automotive and WEEE scrap.

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