Friday, September 28, 2012

Plastics Recycling Update Magazine: Scotland looks to boost domestic recycling

## Scotland looks to boost domestic recycling

_By Editorial Staff, Resource Recycling_

Scottish plastic recycling firms may be eligible for new loan funding and support.

Zero Waste Scotland and business organization Scottish Enterprise have jointly established a [$4 million loan fund]( to support plastic sorting and processing facilities in Scotland. Specifically, the two groups hope to help create more plastic recycling businesses in the country, as well as develop sorting and recycling methods for rigid plastic containers, film, PVC building materials and other items. Backers of the loan program hope to divert 55,000 tons of plastic material from landfill by 2015.

Scotland generated over 551,000 tons of plastic waste in 2011, but recycled only a fifth of that volume domestically. The move is supported by the Scottish government, which has a goal of recycling 70 percent of all waste generated in the country by 2025.

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