Wednesday, September 5, 2012

E-Scrap News Magazine: BAN countersues Intercon Solutions

## BAN countersues Intercon Solutions

_By Editorial Staff, Resource Recycling_

The Basel Action Network has announced a countersuit against Chicago Heights, Illinois-based Intercon Solutions seeking to "restore BAN's full credibility" in the dispute regarding Intercon's failed bid for e-Stewards certification.

For those in need of a refresher, Intercon Solutions was [denied e-Stewards certification]( over a year ago amid allegations the company was improperly shipping electronic waste overseas. BAN maintains it tracked several containers of hazardous material shipped from a property used by the company to China. Intercon subsequently denied any wrongdoing and produced legal documents showing it [did not ship the containers in question]( Nevertheless, citing a "devasting effect" on its business, the company announced earlier this summer it was [suing BAN for defamation]( However, [BAN dismissed the suit]( as simply a method of swaying popular opinion, and also exposed several factual inaccuracies in the claim.

[BAN's countersuit]( -- the latest move in this ongoing story -- asks for "declaratory relief" to restore the organization's credibility, which BAN says has been damaged by the ongoing controversy.

"BAN intends to vigorously defend itself and its most valuable asset -- its credibility," said the organization's lawyer, John Phillips, in a prepared statement. "BAN is not going to be intimidated by this lawsuit or prevented from pursuing the public interest through objective investigation and reporting of the exportation of hazardous waste to the developing world. We will not rest until the truth in this case is known to all concerned."

BAN's legal counsel includes the John Phillips Law Group of Seattle and Winston and Strawn of Chicago. The case has been moved from Illinois State Court to a Federal Court in Chicago.

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