Wednesday, September 5, 2012

E-Scrap News Magazine: Arrow to acquire Redemtech

## Arrow to acquire Redemtech

_By Editorial Staff, Resource Recycling_

Multinational electronic components supplier Arrow Electronics will acquire IT asset recycling and refurbishment firm Redemtech.

The announcement to acquire is only the latest in a series of e-scrap processor acquisitions for Arrow, which in the past year and a half has acquired Converge, TechTurn and Intechra. Arrow, which employs approximately 120,000 in 53 countries, launched the asset management division Resolve earlier this year. The new division currently functions as an umbrella organization for the recently-acquired electronics recycling firms. Redemtech operates seven e-Stewards-certified facilities employing over 400 workers.

Terms of the acquisition were not released, pending closure of the deal within the next 60 days.

In related news, Arrow also announced it has acquired data security, refurbishment and asset disposal company Global Link Technology, Inc. Global Link Technology operates one facility in Centennial, Colorado.

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