Wednesday, September 5, 2012

E-Scrap News Magazine: Desktop growth outlook revised down

## Desktop growth outlook revised down

_By Editorial Staff, Resource Recycling_

International Data Corp. has lowered its outlook for the worldwide PC market, predicting growth of just 0.9 percent in 2012.

Mid-year shipments have slowed to a relative trickle, according to the market research firm, with an expected [367 million desktop and laptop PCs]( shipping this year. If this pattern holds, 2012 will be the second year in a row PC market growth has been below 2 percent. While the consumer and enterprise market waits for Windows 8 (expected to debut within the next several weeks), a surprise in the new numbers comes from lowered demand in Asia and emerging markets. With the economy slowing in developing markets, IDC now expects worldwide PC growth to average 7.1 percent between 2013 and 2016 – revised down from 8.4 percent average growth.

Comparatively, the growth of mobile devices continues to accelerate, undeterred by slowing demand in other sectors of the consumer electronics and IT market. [Flurry Analytics]( reports that worldwide, over 640 million devices were running Apple's iOS and Google's Android operating systems in July. Market penetration for these devices was 78 percent in the U.S., although the rate of adoption is fastest in China, with a 401 percent annual growth rate.

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