Friday, March 1, 2013

Plastics Recycling Update Magazine: NewsBits

## NewsBits

**Over 100,000 people** around the world have signed a [petition]( **urging Coca-Cola Co. to drop its opposition to plastic bottle deposit programs in Australia.** The Northern Territory government recently enacted a 10-cent container deposit law that went into effect in January, however a [lawsuit]( to stop the program has been brought against the government by Coke, Schweppes Australia, and Lion Pty Ltd.

AXION International Holdings, Inc. has [received]( a $500,000 order for its ECOTRAX composite rail ties, to be used by Dallas Area Rapid Transit's light rail system and Trinity Railway Express. The **composite rail ties are made using 100 percent recycled plastic**.

Plastic bags are&nbsp_place_holder;[making news]( in Austin, Texas, where the **Texas Retailers Association has filed a lawsuit** claiming the city's impending **plastic bag ban violates state law.**

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