Friday, March 1, 2013

E-Scrap News Magazine: NewsBits

## NewsBits

**Over 10 million wireless devices have been traded in** through eRecyclingCorps since 2009. According to the company, this equates to 2,255 tons of material diverted from landfill.

**E-scrap trade associations across Europe** are [banding together]( to influence the upcoming WEEE Recast. The European Committee of Domestic Equipment Manufacturers (CECED), Digital Europe, the European Energy Research Alliance and Lighting Europe are **lobbying for mandatory reporting requirements** as part of the updated regulations, coupled with more robust cross-border enforcement of regulations.

**Best Buy Canada is expanding its electronics take-back program** to stores in Quebec. [As of March 1](, customers can bring back TVs, media players, computers, monitors, and other items for recycling at Best Buy retail stores in the province. The company's take-back program is also available in Alberta, British Columbia and Ontario.

Last year, **Ontario collected 83,447 tons of electronics**, according to a [release]( from Waste Diversion Ontario. The province has over 700 collection locations where residents can drop off their used electronics. Ontario's collection rate in 2012 was approximately 12 pounds of WEEE, per capita.

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