## NAID to focus on data security education
_By Editorial Staff, Resource Recycling_
The National Association for Information Destruction has embarked on a new campaign to move public perceptions of data security away from just shredding and wiping of devices.
The organization hopes to educate people that proper data security also involves developing comprehensive policies, training, auditing and identifying end-of-life service vendors. The new "[NAID 'em](http://www.naidem.org/)" campaign will use print, social marketing and Web videos to get businesses and consumers to adopt these best-practices in data security and destruction. The website for the campaign also includes a glossary of common data security terms and a directory of NAID member companies.
"I see this as an endless process," said NAID CEO Bob Johnson. "Obviously, there are many consumers who already understand that proper destruction is more than the simple act of shredding or wiping. On the other hand, there are others for whom it will take many years to reshape their thinking."
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