Thursday, March 7, 2013

Plastics Recycling Update Magazine: NewsBits

## NewsBits

**Legislation introduced in California** would create a plan to identify products that contribute the most to **plastic ocean pollution** and then require the companies that make them to collect more of them for recycling, reports the [_San Diego Union-Tribune_]( The bill would require the state to develop a plan to **reduce marine plastic pollution by at least 75 percent**.

The fate of Los Angeles County's **bag ban may be decided by the California Supreme Court**. Despite the state appeals court upholding the ban on the free distribution of plastic bags in L.A. County, lawyers representing those opposed to the 10-cent bag fee [say they will]( take the matter to the state's highest court, arguing that it violates a law requiring voter approval for new taxes and fees.

_The Atlantic_ has a piece on the [history of beverage container recycling]( and how **race, economic class and empty containers have intersected** throughout U.S. history. "Bottles were once valuable objects, not to be easily discarded," reads the article.

**GreenBiz** has an exit [interview]( with **Kim Jeffery, the outgoing CEO of Nestle Waters** that explains how he became an unlikely advocate of legislation that would establish a framework for extended producer responsibility for many types of consumer packaging. "I've waded into that discussion in the recycling area where, initially, when I started proposing extended producer responsibility-type legislation to deal with all of the recyclable materials that we have, people initially thought, 'Well, he's just trying to get out of a bottle bill,'" he says in the interview.

The **United Arab Emirates'** Ministry of the Environment has issued a decree **banning all non-biodegradable plastic containers** from the country. Lightweight plastic litter is a leading cause of camel deaths in the country, according to [_Albawaba_](

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