## NewsBits
_By Editorial Staff, Resource Recycling_
Atlanta's new residential recycling program **"Cartlanta"** has increased recycling tonnage from 1,079 tons collected since it began in October to 1,403 tons, [an increase of 23 percent](http://www.atlantaga.gov/index.aspx?page=672&recordid=1612). The city is also making about **$30 per ton** of recyclables diverted from landfills.
The manager for Waste Management's new materials recovery facility that recently opened to serve the **Topeka, Kansas** area has a message for the residents: **Don't put plastic bags in with your recyclables**, reports [_The Topeka Capital-Journal_](http://cjonline.com/news/2013-01-20/recycling-plant-manager-dont-put-out-plastic-bags).
[Think.Eat.Save. Reduce your Foodprint](http://www.thinkeatsave.org/) is a campaign recently launched by the **U.N. Environment Programme, the Food and Agriculture Organization**, and other partner organizations, that seeks to encourage simple actions by consumers and food retailers aimed at **reducing the 1.4 billion tons of food waste generated each year**.
A **Florida law intended to combat metal theft** appears to be working, at least in Tampa and neighboring areas, [reports the local ABC affiliate](http://www.abcactionnews.com/dpp/news/crime/florida-law-aimed-at-curbing-scrap-metal-theft-seems-to-be-working). Citing numbers from local law enforcement, the station reports that since the law went into effect in July of last year that **metal thefts have dropped from 406 to 169** for the same nine-month period, year to year.
Residents of **Maryville, Tennessee are so eager to recycle** that the three free recycling centers, operated by RockTenn, are **overwhelmed with recyclables**, reports [_The Daily Times_](http://www.thedailytimes.com/Local_News/story/Maryville-to-police-recycling-centers-id-032197). In response, city officials are planning to limit use of the recycling centers to only city residents, shut one down, reduce hours and hire employees to supervise them.
In Morton Grove, Illinois, a suburb or Chicago, a proposal for a recycling center may be delayed **because of the recent merger of Lakeshore Waste Services and Recycling Systems**, which became Lakeshore Recycling Systems, reports [_The Chicago Tribune_](http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/suburbs/morton_grove/ct-tl-morton-grove-waste-company-merger-20130124,0,1167468.story). According to the paper, **plans for a recycling center in the village are controversial**, with some residents concerned that it would attract pests and lower property values.
[ ](http://www.plasticsrecycling.com/)
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URL: http://resource-recycling.com/node/3434
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