## _PetroChem Wire_: Recycled PP prices rose in January
_By Editorial Staff, Resource Recycling_
Prices for CoPP and HoPP repro were higher by at least a penny in January due to seasonal demand. Black HoPP repro was reported around 43-44 cents per pound, with CoPP black repro closer to 50 cents per pound.
In the regrind market, HoPP black and mixed color remained at parity, selling as high as 37 cents per pound, up a penny from late December. Prime PP prices trended higher following the settlement of January monomer contracts at a 15 cents per pound increase. One PP supplier had scheduled a 6 cents per pound increase to take effect Jan. 15, on top of a 12.5 cent increase announced for Jan. 1. February increases were also expected in the prime market.
For more information about _PetroChem Wire's Repro/Regrind Resin Report_ and daily prime grade polymers and monomers report, or to arrange a free trial subscription, contact Cindy Bryan at [cindy@petrochemwire.com](mailto:cindy@petrochemwire.com) or(713) 385-1407. To see sample issues of PCW publications, click [here](http://www.petrochemwire.com/Sample_Issues/Our_Publications.html).
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URL: http://resource-recycling.com/node/3452
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