Thursday, January 31, 2013

Resource Recycling Magazine: KAB, Coke bin grant program continues

## KAB, Coke bin grant program continues

_By Editorial Staff, Resource Recycling_

Keep America Beautiful and The Coca-Foundation are accepting applications for a program designed to support recycling across the country by helping local organizations receive collection bins.

The program is funded through a $300,000 grant from the Coca-Cola Foundation, the philanthropic arm of the beverage giant. Since 2010 it has distributed more than 29,000 recycling bins to 300 organizations reaching 4.3 million people.

As part of the program, the bins are used by local organizations to provide public space recycling infrastructure. Eligible recipients for the public space grant include government agencies, civic organizations, schools and nonprofit groups. All colleges and universities will be eligible for the college-specific grant.

Grant applications will be available online through March 4. The bin grant program will include college and university focused grants as well as the traditional public space recycling bin grants. All interested parties can visit []( to apply.

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