## Another report finds more recycling means more jobs
_By Editorial Staff, Resource Recycling_
A report from the New Mexico Recycling Coalition finds that almost 5,000 new "direct, indirect and induced" jobs will be created in the Land of Enchantment if the state recycling rate hits 34 percent.
According to [the report](http://www.recyclenewmexico.com/jobs.htm), prepared by Fairfax, Virginia-based consulting firm ICF International for the New Mexico Recycling Coalition, if the state follows the increased recycling trend of the last five years, New Mexico could reach the national recycling rate of 34 percent by 2015, creating 4,871 jobs for the state.
The report goes on to detail a strategy to reach this figure, primarily predicated on establishing pay-as-you-throw (PAYT) solid waste pricing schemes throughout the state. If a statewide PAYT program were implemented, the report finds that would create 2,096 new direct local jobs, for a total of 5,356 new local jobs overall (again, direct, indirect and induced). Further, the state would pocket an estimated savings of $12.5 million in avoided disposal costs.
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URL: http://resource-recycling.com/node/3438
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