Thursday, November 1, 2012

Resource Recycling Magazine: NewsBits

## NewsBits

_By Editorial Staff, Resource Recycling_

Car rental company **Hertz** has committed to **recycling all of the 1.3 million tires on the 300,000 cars** in its fleet, reports [_Mother Nature Network_](

You've may have seen the massively popular viral video "**Gangnam Style**" by South Korean pop star PSY and the slew of parodies that have sprung up in its wake. But now, there's a [Malaysian version of the video]( with an **anti-littering, pro-recycling message**.

U.K. packaging company **Faerch Plast** is working on a new type of **black PET** made from a unique pigment arrangement that allows the material to be detected by an optical scanner and **separated from mixed plastic wastes for the first time**, reports [_European Plastics News_](

Officials in **Charleston, West Virginia** are debating whether or not to **temporarily stop recycling four out of seven items** the city currently accepts in order to cut down expenses, reports the [_Charleston Daily Mail_]( The paper reports that the proposal is opposed by the mayor, who worries that it will result in residents not recycling at all.

The **U.S. Navy** has launched **a pilot project to recycle worn out mattresses** from, among other ships, the recently-retired USS Enterprise, reports _The Associated Press_ via [_The Washington Post_]( The 13,000 mattresses will be sent to Pamplico, South Carolina-based Nine Lives Mattress Recycling, **saving $12,000 over paying for them to be landfilled**.

The U.K.'s **National Physical Laboratory**, along with its partners In2Tec Ltd and Gwent Electronic Materials Ltd, has developed a bonding material for printed circuit boards that will **dissolve in hot water**, leaving the components ready for reuse and recycling, reports [_www.phys.org_](

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