## Michigan looks to build on bottle bill
_By Editorial Staff, Resource Recycling_
Michigan could see a dramatic growth in recycling if Governor Richard Snyder has his way.
The governor has singled out recycling as a way to create jobs, generate new economic activity and clean up the environment in the Wolverine State, adding information on recycling to the state's [Energy and Environment Dashboard](http://www.michigan.gov/midashboard/0,4624,7-256-63322---,00.html). Despite the success of Michigan's container deposit law, residents in only 21 of the state's 83 counties are considered to have convenient access to recycling.
"As a state, we have one of the lowest recycling rates in the Midwest. We need to look beyond our recycling of cans and plastic bottles and creatively figure out what we can do to reduce our waste overall," said Governor Snyder, promising to examine all options as part of the development of a comprehensive plan scheduled for 2014.
While specifics weren't offered, the Michigan Recycling Coalition praised the announcement. According to a [2011 report](http://www.michiganrecycles.org/images/pdf/stateofrecycling2011mrc.pdf) by the MRC, raising the state's recycling rate from its current estimated rate of 20 percent to 30 percent (on par with other Great Lakes states) would create between 7,000 and 13,000 jobs and add as much as $22 million in additional state tax revenue.
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