Friday, November 2, 2012

Plastics Recycling Update Magazine: APR Rigids Committee outlines latest projects

## APR Rigids Committee outlines latest projects

_By Editorial Staff, Resource Recycling_

The Rigids Committee of the Association of Postconsumer Plastic Recyclers presented updates on the group's latest projects and studies at the recently-concluded member meeting in San Antonio.

A waste characterization study in Vermont was announced that will look at the amount of mixed rigid plastics in the waste stream. More than 40 categories of plastics will be targeted. The findings will be available in March at the annual Plastics Recycling Conference.

The committee is also looking at residential bulky rigid collection programs, with the Northeast Recycling Council undertaking a new study.

The grocery store rigid plastic recycling initiative has resulted in a new national effort announced this month, in coordination with the Food Marketing Institute and the Grocery Manufacturers Association. This includes a new website ([](, a how-to manual, videos, a market list and technical assistance. Hannaford Brothers is implementing the program in 180 stores and Stop-and-Shop will roll it out in 100 outlets.

Additionally, two subcommittees also offered updates to APR members. The bale definitions subcommittee announced it has created specifications for all rigids, as well as lids and tubs. Also, the recycled resin subcommittee says it has identified 22 reclaimers with a combined demand for rigids of one billion pounds per year.

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