Tuesday, July 10, 2012

E-Scrap News Magazine: Intercon relisted as R2 certified

## Intercon relisted as R2 certified

_By Editorial Staff, Resource Recycling_

One week after it announced it was [suing the Basel Action Network][1] for defamation, Intercon Solutions has been relisted on the roster of e-scrap processors certified to the R2 standard.

Approximately one year ago, Intercon Solutions was denied certification to the e-Stewards standard over alleged export of material to China. In the wake of the denial, the company was removed from the [list of certified electronics processors][2] maintained by R2 Solutions. However, Intercon's previously acquired R2 certification was never rescinded, so while the company is now once again formally listed as R2 certified, in fact it has been R2 certified throughout the past year.

In a recent meeting, the R2 Solutions Board of Directors adopted a revised non-conformity policy that enables e-scrap processors delisted from the R2 Solutions website to have their facilities relisted. The board specifically decided to relist Intercon Solutions, given that they have undergone two successful audits of their Chicago Heights, Illinois facility in the past year.

The revised non-conformity policy can be viewed [here][3].

Updates on the pending lawsuit between Intercon Solutions and the Basel Action Network will be covered as they develop.

[![Schutte Buffalo Hammer Mill][4] ][5]

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[1]: http://resource-recycling.com/node/2880
[2]: http://www.r2solutions.org/certified/electronic-recyclers-with-r2-certified-facilities/
[3]: http://www.r2solutions.org/clientuploads/R2%20Solutions%20Nonconformity%20Policy%20Revision%20Adopted%206-19-12.pdf
[4]: http://www.resource-recycling.com/images/e-newsletterimages/schutte-buffalo-banner.jpg (Schutte Buffalo Hammer Mill)
[5]: http://web.hammermills.com/the-e-cycler-/
[6]: http://www.resource-recycling.com/images/e-newsletterimages/ESN-herbold-banner.gif (Herbold Banner)
[7]: http://www.herboldusa.net/pru
[8]: http://www.resource-recycling.com/images/e-newsletterimages/ESNe-news070512.html

URL: http://resource-recycling.com/node/2897

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