Thursday, July 19, 2012

Resource Recycling Magazine: RR Conference 2012: How to improve the measurements of recycling

## _RR Conference 2012_: How to improve the measurements of recycling

What does the municipal solid waste stream in the U.S. look like and what is the U.S. EPA doing to improve materials measurement? Don't miss this critical presentation delivered by a top EPA official. Stay abreast of key federal legislation and find out more about the Increasing Manufacturing Competiveness Through Improved Recycling Act of 2012 and what it might mean for our industry.

The 2012 Resource Recycling Conference is excited to head to the Hilton Austin in Austin, Texas, **August 28-29**. For more information, including information on the Hilton Austin, session topics and the agenda, or exhibiting and sponsorship opportunities, please visit [][1] or click on the banner below.

The conference is provided in association with the National Recycling Coalition (NRC), the Recycling Organizations of North America (RONA), Keep America Beautiful (KAB) and the Product Stewardship Institute (PSI).

[![RRC 2012 Banner][2] ][3]

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[2]: (RRC 2012 Banner)


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