Wednesday, July 18, 2012

E-Scrap News Magazine: ERCC unveils harmonized collector guidelines

## ERCC unveils harmonized collector guidelines

_By Henry Leineweber, Resource Recycling_

The Electronics Recycling Coordination Clearinghouse has released a guidance document for e-scrap collection site best practices.

The [document][1] defines "responsible collection sites" as those that do not dispose of material through landfilling or incineration; have enclosed storage areas and properly pack and store collected material; clearly label and identify material on-site and material being shipped downstream; engage in proper material handling and safety training; maintain detailed records of materials and partners; and many other criteria. The guidance document also urges the use of only e-Stewards- or R2-certified downstream partners.

_ERCC Collection Site Best Practices_ has been in development since September 2010, and is based off of the experiences and recommendations of electronics collection sites across the country. The non-profit organization also hopes to develop a program where collectors can voluntarily demonstrate compliance with the harmonized guidelines.

Additionally, ERCC also announced a new registration system for manufacturers to register their company and products in states with e-scrap programs. The eCycle Registration system can be found [here][2].

[![ERS Banner][3] ][4]

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[1]: Best Practices Final.pdf
[3]: (ERS Banner)


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