Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Resource Recycling Magazine: NewsBits

## NewsBits

_By Editorial Staff, Resource Recycling_

**Recycling Reinvented**, a nonprofit organization founded to support extended producer responsibility legislation at the state level, has received a pledge of support from Fort Collins, Colorado-based [New Belgium Brewing](, a maker of more than 25 varieties of craft **beer**. "I believe that if the **producers were held accountable for the end of life of their packages**, more efficient and effective systems would be created to promote landfill diversion," said Jennifer Vervier, director of sustainability for New Belgium, in a prepared statement.

**Legislation introduced in California** would create a plan to identify products that contribute the most to **plastic ocean pollution** and then require the companies that make them to collect more of them for recycling, reports the [_San Diego Union-Tribune_]( The bill would require the state to develop a plan to **reduce marine plastic pollution by at least 75 percent**.

**_The New York Times_** has discontinued its **"Green"** [blog](, which tracked environmental and energy news, in favor of devoting more resources to other online projects. Andrew Revkin points out on his [blog]( that the Grey Lady will continue to have nine sports blogs, four technology blogs and nine blogs covering fashion, lifestyles, health and dining.

_The Atlantic_ has a piece on the [history of beverage container recycling]( and how **race, economic class and empty containers have intersected** throughout U.S. history. "Bottles were once valuable objects, not to be easily discarded," reads the article.

A new **electronics recycling facility** being built outside of Taiwan's capital, **Taipei**, will be **made entirely out of recycled materials**, reports the [_BBC_]( Ceilings will be constructed out of plastic left over from CDs and DVDs and walls will be fashioned out of glass fiber from computer motherboards.

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