Friday, March 1, 2013

Plastics Recycling Update Magazine: Resin maker moves into recycling

## Resin maker moves into recycling

_By Editorial Staff, Resource Recycling_

Several decades ago, nearly every major prime resin producer invested in one or more recycling facilities. As reported in _Plastics Recycling Update_ at the time, these companies eventually backed out of the business.

Processing technologies were not as sophisticated as today, demand for recovered plastics was far less than now and the return on investment from such ventures was much lower than is typical in the chemical industry.

Will that change now? One indication that it might is the news that M&G Group, among the world's largest producers of virgin PET, will soon open a 4,400-pound-per-hour PET container recycling line in Pocas de Caldas, Brazil. M&G can make about 1.9 million tons of PET annually, including 285 million pounds at its West Virginia facility. The company will open a 2.2 billion-pound-per-year production facility in Texas in 2015.

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