## NewsBits
A critical reason why **plastic bottle reclaimers report lower processing volumes** is bottle lightweighting. The ongoing effort to make lighter and lighter containers continues. Nampak in the U.K. says it's now making the world's thinnest half-gallon milk bottle. The 32-gram container is 25 percent lighter than the typical bottle used in the U.K.
**Britain's Conservative-led government has backed off plans tax plastic bags**, similar to schemes currently in place in Ireland and Wales, over concerns that they would harm already strained household budgets, reports [_The Telegraph_](http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/9853766/Plastic-bag-tax-may-not-be-the-best-option-says-minister.html).
**MBA Polymers is now ISO 14001 certified** at its plant in Guangzhou, China.
**PGA, Inc.**, a processor of recycled plastics, will **relocate its operations to a facility in White Haven, Pennsylvania**, [creating 28 jobs](http://www.timesleader.com/stories/Recycler-to-get-56000-in-tax-credits,265863). The company will invest more than $600,000 in land and building acquisitions and development, building renovations, equipment purchases and employee training. The company will also receive a $56,000 tax credit from the state.
A wide ranging group of executives will meet in early March in Seattle to begin **assessing how more plastic film can be recovered for recycling**. Organized by the Network for Business Innovation and Sustainability, the stakeholder group includes commercial film generators, collectors, reclaimers and end markets. One goal of the initiative is to help nurture local uses for recovered film. For details contact Mary Rose, NBIS co-executive director, (425) 445-2600.
The **Plastic Pollution Coalition** is soliciting applications for Think Beyond Plastic, a **contest for entrepreneurs interested in developing products**, services, materials and infrastructure that results in a measurable reduction in plastic pollution. Applications are due March 10, 2013 and more information can be found at [www.ThinkBeyondPlastic.com](http://www.thinkbeyondplastic.com/).
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URL: http://resource-recycling.com/node/3542
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