Friday, March 1, 2013

E-Scrap News Magazine: Sims partners on mobile database system

## Sims partners on mobile database system

_By Editorial Staff, Resource Recycling_

Sims Recycling Solutions has announced a [partnership]( with CheckMEND, a global provider of information on used electronics.

The deal will allow Sims to access CheckMEND's database of over 150 billion electronics property records, spanning 30,000 agencies and corporations around the world -- including the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigations and major wireless carriers. The database tracks individual electronic devices to identify items that have been reported lost or stolen, or have been subject to warranty claims, and Sims says it will integrate the database into its inventory management system.

"It gives us tremendous peace of mind knowing we are using the best background reporting service available to avoid contributing to the market for stolen phones," said SRS Americas president Steve Skurnac. "We can accept -- and our customers can purchase – these used devices with confidence knowing they are not lost, stolen, or blocked."

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