Wednesday, March 6, 2013

E-Scrap News Magazine: NewsBits

## NewsBits

The Michigan Department of Environmental Quality has partnered with the **Michigan Recycling Coalition to explore options for end-of-life management of e-scrap**, pharmaceuticals and plastic packaging. MRC will conduct research on available options through a Community Pollution Prevention grant from MDEQ and will issue findings later this year.

A new **electronics recycling facility** being built outside of Taiwan's capital, Taipei, will be **made entirely out of recycled materials**, reports the [_BBC_]( Ceilings will be constructed out of plastic left over from CDs and DVDs and walls will be fashioned out of glass fiber from computer motherboards.

**E-Cycle Washington** [collected]( 3.49 million pounds of covered electronics in February and **7.5 million pounds in just the first two months of the year**. While this volume represents a 19.5 percent increase over the same period in 2012, approximately 93 percent of the weight of material collected during this period were CRT televisions and computer monitors.

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