Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Resource Recycling Magazine: Supporting recycling through grants

## Supporting recycling through grants

_By Editorial Staff, Resource Recycling_

Pennsylvania has recently announced the recipients of millions of dollars in recycling grants and Michigan is soliciting applications for grants meant to support tire recycling.

The **Pennsylvania** Department of Environmental Protection has [awarded $17.8 million in recycling grants to 131 municipalities and counties]( to help them maintain and implement recycling programs. Through the grant program, municipalities and counties in Pennsylvania are eligible for up to 90 percent funding of approved recycling program costs. Municipalities designated as financially distressed can receive funding for an additional 10 percent of approved costs.

Examples of eligible projects include: operating compost facilities, developing web-based programs on recycling for consumers, expanding recycling processing facilities, installing data collection systems on recycling vehicles, continuing and creating curbside recycling programs, as well as developing educational materials to encourage residents to recycle.

Under Pennsylvania law, municipalities with more than 10,000 people are required to offer recycling services.

For a complete list of the municipalities and counties that received grants, visit the department's [website](

**Michigan**'s Department of Environmental Quality has announced that funds are available to support projects aimed at developing or increasing uses for scrap tires.

Applications are available for funding under the Scrap Tire Market Development Grant Program for grants to reimburse up to 50 percent of the cost to purchase scrap tires for recycling. Grant funding is also available to reimburse up to 50 percent of the cost of either purchasing equipment or for the research and development of new, or increased, use for scrap tires.

Before submitting an application, interested individuals must first send a letter of interest to the DEQ. For more information, visit the department's [website](,4561,7-135-3312_4122-176203--,00.html).

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