## NewsBits
_By Editorial Staff, Resource Recycling_
**High-ranking government officials from 193 countries dined on food that would have normally gone to waste** at a zero-waste reception for the Governing Council at the **United Nations Environment Programme**, reports _[Environment News Service](http://ens-newswire.com/2013/02/25/environment-ministers-feast-on-wasted-food/)_. The dinner was held in Nairobi, Kenya and was prepared from perfectly good food that would normally not be brought to market because it was deemed **cosmetically unappealing**.
**Publishers of unwanted phone books have a constitutional right** to toss their wares onto Seattle-area doorsteps. **Seattle** is finalizing an agreement to pay **$500,000** to settle its losing battle against two publishers of phone books after a judge ruled that **the city violated the First Amendment** by creating an opt-out registry for the unwanted directories and charging the companies printing them for **recycling costs**, reports [_The Seattle Times_](http://blogs.seattletimes.com/today/2013/02/seattle-will-pay-500000-to-settle-yellow-pages-lawsuit/).
**Buffalo, New York has failed** to meet its goal of **doubling the city's curbside recycling** rate a year after distributing new totes to residents, reports the [_Investigative Post_](http://www.investigativepost.org/2013/02/26/recycling-excuses/). Over the course of a year, the city's curbside recycling rate rose from **8 percent to 12.2 percent**, but still fell short of the **mayor's goal of 16 percent**.
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URL: http://resource-recycling.com/node/3548
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