Friday, February 22, 2013

Resource Recycling Magazine: Improving conditions for recycling jobs

## Improving conditions for recycling jobs

_By Editorial Staff, Resource Recycling_

Jobs in the lower rungs of the recycling industry can be low-paying, monotonous and potentially hazardous. In the Bay Area, a group of activists is seeking to change that.

Hoping to improve conditions in lower-level recycling jobs, a group of recycling workers and individuals from environmental and community organizations launched a coalition earlier this month called the Campaign for Sustainable Recycling, reports the [_East Bay Express_]( The report includes complaints from recycling workers of intimidation, dangerous conditions and poor pay and how they want to fix it.

"The best [paying] job is driving a truck to the landfill, the worst is sorting recycling," Ruth Abbe, Zero Waste Coordinator for the Sierra Club, told the paper. "As those high-paying [landfill] jobs go away, we don't want to replace them with poverty jobs."

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