Friday, February 15, 2013

E-Scrap News Magazine: NewsBits

## NewsBits

In **Romania**, one of the European Union's poorest nations, a social enterprise called **Workshops Without Borders** has found a way to help some of the country's most destitute people: recycling computers, reports the [_Times of Oman_](

Patent No. 8,366,874 has been awarded to Empire Technology Development LLC, for a **method of removing and sorting components on a printed circuit board**.

**The amount of unwanted electronics is only getting bigger** and the issues surrounding how to handle them are only becoming more complicated. But an [infographic]( from []( seems to cover just about every facet of this growing industry.

The **U.K.'s Environment Agency is auditing 20 local WEEE collection sites** over concerns that they are not following regulations and are diverting material to other facilities, reports [_letsrecycle.com_](

Designer Sean Miles has created four lines of "[Walkie Talkies](," **shoes that have fully functional handsets recycled into them**. The project was sponsored by O2 Recycle, a U.K. electronics buy-back company, and each Walkie Talkie performs exactly as a normal phone would with the keypad being incorporated into the sole of each shoe.

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