Thursday, November 15, 2012

Resource Recycling Magazine: Single-stream hits Minneapolis

## Single-stream hits Minneapolis

_By Editorial Staff, Resource Recycling_

Single-stream recycling collection will soon be a reality in Minneapolis.

Under the city's new "one-sort" recycling system, residents will be able to combine their glass, plastic, paper, aluminum and cardboard into one blue rollcart for pick up. Minneapolis will be rolling out the system in phases, the first of which will involve 30,000 residences getting the new carts between Nov. 12 and Dec. 1. A second phase will bring the blue recycling carts to the rest of the city's 110,000 single-family residences spring 2013.

The city is using a phased-in approach because it allows it to retrofit some of its trucks, saving almost half a million dollars. Additionally, the city claims this approach will allow it to keep existing routes and collection days intact. Customers will not be charged extra for the new service.

_The Star Tribune_ [reports]( that the new program will cost about $9 million, and officials are hoping it will double the city's recycling percentage, currently at about 18 to 20 percent, by 2015. Minneapolis is contracting with Waste Management to handle the sorting of recyclables.

"I really look forward a few years from now to people saying the city of Minneapolis is the number 1 recycling city in the U.S.," Mayor R.T. Rybak said at a press conference. "I think this is a big step toward doing that."

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