Friday, October 19, 2012

E-Scrap News Magazine: NewsBits

## NewsBits

There's a **new organization in the U.S. focused on rare earth metal use, recovery and recycling**. The Rare Earth Technology Alliance held its inaugural meeting on Oct. 17 to develop an education and outreach strategy, as well as decide on the new group's focus. A list of founding members can be found [here](

**All Green Recycling**, an e-scrap recycling company, has announced a partnership with logistics company **RedOrange LLC** that will focus on managing the disposition of unwanted electronics of government agencies, large companies and developing countries. The new partnership will operate under the name **All Green Global LLC**.

**Connecticut** has put out a call for applications for interested recycling **firms to become approved Covered Electronic Recyclers** for the state's e-scrap. More information can be directed to [Mark Latham]( at the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection. The deadline for applications is Nov. 25.

Environmental watchdog Earthworks has launched a **new cell phone recycling program**. The [online]( take-back initiative will allow consumers to mail in their old device, which will be recycled by e-scrap processor MPC.

The [Pennsylvania Recycling Markets Center]( has **recognized eForce Compliance with the William M. Heenan Markets Development Award** for its work in the electronics recycling industry in the state. The company expects to collect over 3.4 million pounds of electronics for recycling in 2012.

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