Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Prosperity Builds Mounds of Cast-Off Clothes

Hour by hour, cars and trucks back up to the Salvation Army's warehouse loading dock on the edge of the prosperous East Side here and disgorge clothing. Skirts and parkas, neckties and tank tops, sweat pants and socks, a polychromatic mountain of clothes is left each week, some with price tags still attached. Inside the warehouse, workers cull the clean and undamaged clothes, roughly 1 piece in 5, to give to the poor or to sell at thrift shops. They feed the rest -- as much as four million p...

URL: http://www.nytimes.com/1999/07/19/us/prosperity-builds-mounds-of-cast-off-clothes.html?partner=rssnyt&emc=rss

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