## NewsBits
_By Editorial Staff, Resource Recycling_
**Landfills are the typical destination for unwanted vacuums**, which are often difficult to recycle due to the complexity of how they're built. But Virginia-based **GoVacuum** is hoping to change that with [Vac-Recycle.com](http://vac-recycle.com/), which will offer consumers a store credit for their old vacuum that will be refurbished or recycled. Via [_Earth911_](http://earth911.com/news/2012/10/23/recycle-vacuum-cleaner-online/).
Six individuals have been charged by the **Tennessee** Highway Patrol Criminal Investigations Division and the Marion County Sheriff's Department for allegedly running an elaborate operation that involved **stealing $1.8 million worth of scrap metal** over the last two years. According to officials, several of the individuals involved in the alleged theft ring were responsible for hauling loads of scrap metal for SCS Trucking, but instead paid off security guards and employees at scrap metal companies in order to divert the material elsewhere.
You could win a free pass to the **Coachella music festival** next year by getting "TRASHed." Since 2004, social change nonprofit Global Inheritance has been holding a competition called " [TRASHed :: The Art of Recycling](http://www.globalinheritance.org/trashed-art-of-recycling) " that involves artists decorating recycling bins that will be used at the festival and later donated to needy schools.
There was once a time when Americans were encouraged to recycle as if the future of their country depended on it -- because it did. _TreeHugger_ has a [slideshow of 18 WWII-era](http://www.treehugger.com/slideshows/culture/recycling-victory-when-every-little-bit-scrap-made-difference-slideshow/) posters encouraging Americans to **recycle to win the war**.
National beautification organization Keep America Beautiful is holding a **national contest to design a t-shirt** that celebrates the upcoming [American Recycles Day](http://americarecyclesday.org/) on Nov. 15. Design submissions and voting occur simultaneously through Thursday, Nov. 1.
_GOOD_ has a [Q&A](http://www.good.is/posts/figures-of-progress-jonathan-hsu-ceo-of-recyclebank/) with **Jonathan K. Hsu, the CEO of Recyclebank**, where he discusses how data drives the recycling-rewards program and what motivates him to do what he does.
[ ](https://www3.gotomeeting.com/register/219889750)
[ ](http://www.sperecycling.org/)
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URL: http://resource-recycling.com/node/3196
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