Wednesday, October 31, 2012
SWANA's deputy executive director leaving the organization
Republic Services cuts jobs, closes offices in restructuring move
Opposition defeats plans for transfer station, now upset with proposed recycling plant
Navistar to close plant in Texas, open to selling assets
European company tests recyclable black cPET
New Delhi, India, to attempt another ban on plastic bags
Ohio solid waste authority planning post-election recycling party
Nike's new soccer boot made with bio-based polyurethane
Waste Pro USA's garbage truck museum about more than the machines
Commodity pricing helps push profits, guidance down for Waste Management
Acquisition activity: It's a ' sprint' to 2013
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Garbage Truck Dealers survey
TDY Industries pays $1.44 million for superfund cleanup
Advanced Disposal buys Tennessee company's landfill, services
On the Streets: Kentucky driver, worker in Ottawa killed on the job
Tennessee town's mayor won't sign curbside recycling contract
Resolute Forest Products pushes 3Q earnings back due to Sandy
Capital briefs: Facilities prohibited from discharging meds
Northshore Mining fined for waste violations at ash landfill in Minnesota
Monday, October 29, 2012
Hurricane Sandy pushes WM earnings release back a day
US Ecology CEO out of a job
Guest column: Solutions for end-of-life electronics
Hurricane Sandy creating problems for solid waste collection
Pawtucket, Rhode Island, votes to privatize collections, expects to save $4M in 5 years
Clean Harbors snags Safety-Kleen for $1.25 billion
Eastman files suit against recycler Coll Materials
Branching into more materials, NextLife opens recycling plant in Arkansas
Friday, October 26, 2012
E-Scrap News Magazine: E-scrap president pleas guilty
_By Editorial Staff, Resource Recycling_
The head of an e-scrap company based in Minnesota has been has been fined and required to perform community service after pleading guilty to improperly handling CRT glass.
The conviction stems from a complaint received by the Hennepin County Department of Environmental Services in August of 2011 that Curtis Weston Hilleren, the president of Hopkins-based Electronic Salvage Industries LLC, illegally placed crushed CRT glass into a roll-off box that was slated to be dumped into a landfill. In May of this year, the Hennepin County Attorney's Office [charged Hilleren with improperly handling the CRT glass](
In July, Hilleren, 68 of St. Louis Park, pleaded guilty to unlawfully handling hazardous waste. Earlier this month, he was sentenced to perform community service and to pay restitution of $5,000. He was also fined $15,000, but $12,000 will not have to be paid if he meets all of the other requirements of the sentence. Additionally, Hilleren will not serve any time in the Hennepin County Workhouse because of his age and physical condition and will instead be required to perform 160 hours of community service.
A request for comment made to Electronic Salvage Industries was not returned by press time.
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E-Scrap News Magazine: Most New Zealand TVs head to landfill
_By Editorial Staff, Resource Recycling_
In New Zealand, only 1 percent of unwanted televisions and other electronics are being recycled through a government program according to a report from RCN, a large e-scrap recycling company that operates in the country. Instead, the majority of the material is going to landfill or is being disposed of illegally.
New Zealand is wrapping up its transition to digital television, which is expected to prompt consumers to trade in their old sets for new ones.
Although, RCN has received $1.4 million from the government to set up an e-scrap collection network with more than 50 drop-off points and three recycling centers, a $20 charge for recycling CRT televisions and a $14 charge for bulky computer monitors is causing consumers to opt for the less-costly option of dumping these items, according to RCN's e-waste general manager Jon Thornhill in an article in [_Stuff_]( He also said that some less-reputable companies will take these items for free, strip the valuables and then dump the rest.
In response to the problem, Thornhill said there should be a mandatory product stewardship scheme that requires electronics manufacturers to take back their unwanted products.
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E-Scrap News Magazine: Coalition seeks top ideas from recycling's best and brightest
_By Editorial Staff, Resource Recycling_
Solid waste and recycling giant Waste Management, as well as global aluminum firm Alcoa, the American Chemistry Council, Coca-Cola Recycling, glass recycling firm eCullet and Resource Recycling, Inc. (the parent company of this publication) have jointly announced a new competition aimed at incubating and rewarding innovative recycling ideas.
The Recycling Innovators Forum is open to anyone with an original, actionable and innovative idea for the future of recycling. RFPs in a dozen categories have been released along with the announcement, including topics such as new electronics recycling ideas, improving data for collection programs, new ways to fund municipal recycling, business and market development, processing technologies for a range of material streams, and many more.
"eCullet is proud to team up in this very worthwhile event," said Kerry Martin, vice president of operations at eCullet, Inc. "Supporting new ideas, innovations and operational improvements within the industry, will not only improve the recovery of more recyclables, but produce a better quality end product, that will insure the long term sustainability of the industry."
Those wishing to participate must submit abstracts before January 7. Once submitted, proposals will be evaluated on a variety of factors, including scalability, implementation time-frame (ideally between one-to-five years), affordability and other criteria.
Submitters of the top proposals will be invited to present their ideas to a panel of judges and the attendees of the Recycling Innovators Forum, August 26, 2013 in Louisville, Kentucky. The first place prize includes a $20,000 honorarium, publication in _Resource Recycling_ magazine, assistance with business plan development and the opportunity to pitch the idea to a panel of venture capitalists at the 2013 Resource Recycling Conference. Runner-up prizes for second and third place are also available, as well as networking opportunities with businesses and other potential backers.
More information, including proposal format guidelines, a full list of RFPs and key deadlines, can be found at [](
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Resource Recycling Magazine: NewsBits
_By Editorial Staff, Resource Recycling_
**Landfills are the typical destination for unwanted vacuums**, which are often difficult to recycle due to the complexity of how they're built. But Virginia-based **GoVacuum** is hoping to change that with [](, which will offer consumers a store credit for their old vacuum that will be refurbished or recycled. Via [_Earth911_](
Six individuals have been charged by the **Tennessee** Highway Patrol Criminal Investigations Division and the Marion County Sheriff's Department for allegedly running an elaborate operation that involved **stealing $1.8 million worth of scrap metal** over the last two years. According to officials, several of the individuals involved in the alleged theft ring were responsible for hauling loads of scrap metal for SCS Trucking, but instead paid off security guards and employees at scrap metal companies in order to divert the material elsewhere.
You could win a free pass to the **Coachella music festival** next year by getting "TRASHed." Since 2004, social change nonprofit Global Inheritance has been holding a competition called " [TRASHed :: The Art of Recycling]( " that involves artists decorating recycling bins that will be used at the festival and later donated to needy schools.
There was once a time when Americans were encouraged to recycle as if the future of their country depended on it -- because it did. _TreeHugger_ has a [slideshow of 18 WWII-era]( posters encouraging Americans to **recycle to win the war**.
National beautification organization Keep America Beautiful is holding a **national contest to design a t-shirt** that celebrates the upcoming [American Recycles Day]( on Nov. 15. Design submissions and voting occur simultaneously through Thursday, Nov. 1.
_GOOD_ has a [Q&A]( with **Jonathan K. Hsu, the CEO of Recyclebank**, where he discusses how data drives the recycling-rewards program and what motivates him to do what he does.
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Resource Recycling Magazine: Novelis to build large UBC recycling plant in South Korea
_By Editorial Staff, Resource Recycling_
Aluminum colossus Novelis will open an aluminum can recycling and casting center at its Yeongju, South Korea facility as part of the company's plan to significantly increase its recycling capacity.
The new recycling center is part of Novelis' broader $400 million multi-year expansion of its operations in Korea, which the company says is a fast-growing market for rolled aluminum used to create beverage cans, cars and consumer electronics. Novelis anticipates the new center to be "the largest aluminum can recycling operation in Asia" and will have an annual capacity of 265,000 tons. The new facility will also increase Novelis' total consumption of recycled aluminum to over 1.4 million tons annually.
The new investment is part of Novelis' commitment to increase the recycled content of its rolled aluminum products to 80 percent by 2020. The new project in Korea is the first major step in the company's more short-term goal to increase its annual recycling capacity to 2.1 million tons by 2015.
Novelis expects to be a major buyer of aluminum scrap throughout Asia due to this investment. Used aluminum beverage cans and other aluminum scrap will be processed by the new facility for re-melting and casting into sheet ingot that will be rolled at the company's Yeongju and Ulsan plants. When running at full capacity, the new operation will add approximately 80 new positions to Novelis' 1,200 employee workforce in Korea.
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Resource Recycling Magazine: _Plastics Recycling 2013_: Diverting packaging from landfills
The types of packaging have exploded in the past few years, but what is the best way for recycling programs to deal with them?
The Continuous Improvement Fund (CIF), in partnership with the Canadian Plastics Industry Association and Stewardship Ontario, have undertaken an innovative study of the cost implications and alternatives to managing residential film and flexible plastic packaging. This critical study will explore future packaging trends, recycling system capital and operating costs and the end markets for this material stream, and is expected to provide a new foundation from which municipalities and stakeholders can further advance efforts to increase the recycling and diversion of flexible film plastics from the landfill.
Come get your facts straight from the source at the 2013 Plastics Recycling Conference, which will be held **March 19-20 in New Orleans**. For more information, visit [](
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E-Scrap News Magazine: Nulife, SWEEEP Kuusakoski partner on new CRT furnace
_By Editorial Staff, Resource Recycling_
SWEEEP Kuusakoski and Nulife Glass have teamed up on a new processing system to recover lead from CRT glass.
The new glass furnace is the product of over a decade of technological innovation and design by Nulife founder Simon Greer, which included a pilot prototype version installed at the company's Manchester, England facility. The latest version of the system was installed at SWEEEP Kuusakoski's Sittingbourne, England recycling facility last July at a cost of approximately $3.2 million.
SWEEEP Kuusakoski's new furnace can process over 11 tons of CRT glass per day and works by electrically heating crushed glass to over 1,800 degrees Fahrenheit, where a catalyst then separates the lead from the glass.
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Resource Recycling Magazine: Oregon hits new diversion record
_By Editorial Staff, Resource Recycling_
Oregon recovered more than half of its municipal waste in 2011, achieving the highest rate of recovery and the lowest per-capita waste disposal since the state began tracking these numbers in 1992.
The findings were revealed in the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality's 20th annual "[_Material Recovery and Waste Generation Rates Report_](," which provides a breakdown of what materials went to disposal, recycling, composting and energy in the state.
Overall, 52 percent of the Beaver State's waste was kept out of landfill, up from 2010's 50 percent rate. Of the materials diverted from landfill, 65 percent was recycled, 19 percent was composted and 16 percent was burned for energy.
Per-capita, Oregonians produced 2,458 pounds of waste per person in 2011, up slightly from the 2,443 pounds per person in 2010.
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E-Scrap News Magazine: NewsBits
**Wistron GreenTech Corp.** will be [renovating]( a 209,000-square-foot facility in McKinney, Texas, and **investing over $21 million** over the next several years to develop the site into an "electronics recycling hub." The facility will eventually include operations to chemically recover precious metals from circuit board scrap and will employ between 80-120 workers. Wistron expects to move into the facility next January.
The **National Association for Information Destruction** says it is training its first dedicated Certified Protection Professional to conduct **NAID AAA audits in East Asia**. The new Hong Kong-based position joins just 12 other auditors in North America, one in Europe and one in Australia. The move is part of NAID's continuing expansion into Asia.
**Dlubak Glass says it will increase processing prices for CRT tubes**, due to high amount of broken tubes the company is receiving. The new prices of 17 cents per pound will apply to all shipments arriving on or after Oct. 29.
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Resource Recycling Magazine: NJ issues $13 million in recycling grants
_By Editorial Staff, Resource Recycling_
Municipalities and other local authorities that manage waste and recyclingin New Jersey will receive $13.1 million in state grants to help bolster local recycling efforts.
The funds will be distributed by the state Department of Environmental Protection and are being awarded through the Recycling Enhancement Act, which was signed into law in 2008 with the aim of increasing recycling in the state. The law created a grant program, funded by a $3 per ton charge on trash disposed of at solid waste facilities, that directs money toward the state's cities, towns and other local government entities to enhance their recycling programs.
Distribution of grant funds this year is based on the recycling successes local governments demonstrated in 2010.
The three municipal programs that took home the most money under the program included: Newark ($299,903), Jersey City ($278,748) and Paterson ($238,701).
"This grant program plays a key part in our effort to boost recycling throughout the state," said DEP Assistant Commissioner for Environmental Management Jane Kozinski, in a prepared statement. "The grants we are announcing today will help our municipalities purchase the best and biggest recycling containers, educate residents and businesses, and support a dedicated recycling staff."
In 2010, New Jersey generated 9.8 million tons of municipal solid waste, of which 3.9 million tons were recycled, for a 40 percent municipal solid waste recycling rate, an increase from the 2009 rate of 37 percent.
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E-Scrap News Magazine: Certification scorecard
With the roster of companies attaining third-party certifications or audits continuing to grow, _E-Scrap News_ has compiled a round-up of the firms announcing certification this past week.
* **Asset LifeCycle LLC** of Topeka, Kansas is now R2 certified.
* **Resale Resource Corp.** of Pflugerville, Texas is now ISO 14001 certified.
* **Acme Electronics Recycling's** Galion, Ohio facility is both ISO 14001 and R2 certified.
* **Super Save Shredding** of Calgary, Alberta has renewed its NAID Certification for Physical Destruction of Hard Drives.
Has your firm recently completed a CHWMEG audit or an ISO 9001, ISO 14001, R2, RIOS or e-Stewards certification? Email []( to be included in this section and in _E-Scrap News_' quarterly directory.
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Resource Recycling Magazine: Coalition seeks top ideas from recycling's best and brightest
_By Editorial Staff, Resource Recycling_
Solid waste and recycling giant Waste Management, as well as global aluminum firm Alcoa, the American Chemistry Council, Coca-Cola Recycling, glass recycling firm eCullet and Resource Recycling, Inc. (the parent company of this publication) have jointly announced a new competition aimed at incubating and rewarding innovative recycling ideas.
The Recycling Innovators Forum is open to anyone with an original, actionable and innovative idea for the future of recycling. RFPs in a dozen categories have been released along with the announcement, including topics such as improving data for collection programs, new ways to fund municipal recycling, business and market development, processing technologies for a range of material streams, and many more.
"Coca-Cola has long supported innovations in the recycling industry. We know more innovations are needed to reach our long-term goal of recovering 100 percent of the equivalent bottles and cans we place in the market," said Alain Robichaud, president of Coca-Cola Recycling LLC in a prepared statement. "We are pleased to sponsor the Recycling Innovators Forum and Competition, which we hope will identify innovations that lead to higher recycling rates and efficiencies."
Those wishing to participate must submit abstracts before Jan. 7. Once submitted, proposals will be evaluated on a variety of factors, including scalability, implementation time-frame (ideally between one-to-five years), affordability and other criteria.
Submitters of the top proposals will be invited to present their ideas to a panel of judges and the attendees of the Recycling Innovators Forum, Aug. 26, 2013 in Louisville, Kentucky. The first place prize includes a $20,000 honorarium, publication in Resource Recycling magazine, assistance with business plan development and the opportunity to pitch the idea to a panel of venture capitalists at the 2013 Resource Recycling Conference. Runner-up prizes for second and third place are also available, as well as networking opportunities with businesses and other potential backers.
More information, including proposal format guidelines, a full list of RFPs and key deadlines, can be found at [](
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Minimizing mining damage with manure
Progressive Waste lowers guidance, misses expectations for quarter
Chicago man awarded $426,000 after being hit by a city garbage truck
New York man pleads guilty to operating an unpermitted landfill
Laminated pouch recycler to set up in England
Family of woman killed in trash truck incident sues NYC, Mack Trucks
Plastic bags used in laying roads in India
Alpine Waste to recycle Denver-area political yard signs
Los Angeles mayoral candidate opposes garbage franchise plan
Hollywood helps turn the garbage truck into an icon
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Waste Connections' purchase of oilfield waste company finalized
Plastics Recycling Update Magazine: PolyOne to acquire Spartech
_By Editorial Staff, Resource Recycling_
PolyOne Corporation, a recycling, engineered resins and thermoplastic manufacturing firm will acquire Spartech Corporation, a maker of plastic sheet, compounds and packaging.
PolyOne made the decision to acquire the Clayton, Missouri-based Spartech, based on what it said was an opportunity to optimize the strengths of both companies. Specifically, PolyOne expects the acquisition to expand its presence in end markets, such as sheet, rigid barrier packaging and specialty cast acrylic technologies, as well as in focused areas of growth including aerospace, security, packaging and healthcare.
"By combining Spartech's leading market positions in sheet, rigid barrier packaging and specialty cast acrylics with PolyOne's capabilities, we can accelerate growth for both companies," said Stephen D. Newlin -- chairman, president and CEO of PolyOne – in a prepared statement. Describing the move as a "bolt-on acquisition," PolyOne will acquire all assets and debts currently held by Spartech.
The transaction, which was unanimously approved by the boards of directors of both companies,
remains subject to approval by Spartech's shareholders and receipt of required regulatory approvals as well as other customary closing conditions. The transaction is expected to close in the first quarter of 2013.
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Plastics Recycling Update Magazine: PetroChem Wire: GPPS recycled flake prices trend higher
_By Editorial Staff, Resource Recycling_
Prices for recycled high impact polystyrene were mostly steady earlier this month, with business reported to be muted. HIPS black pellets were quoted in the 70-72 cents per pound range, unchanged from late September, with HIPS black flake material reported at 53-56 cpp.
GPPS natural pellet prices rose a penny in early October, reaching 57-59 cents per pound. GPPS regrind prices were also slightly firmer in the first half of October, with various colors showing an increase of 1 cent per pound.
For more information about _PetroChem Wire's Repro/Regrind Resin Report_ and daily prime grade polymers and monomers report, or to arrange a free trial subscription, contact Cindy Bryan at []( or (713) 385-1407. To see sample issues of PCW publications, click [here](
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Plastics Recycling Update Magazine: NewsBits
**Eugene, Oregon** has become the third city in the state to **ban plastic bags**. The second-largest city in the state follows Portland and Corvallis in [enacting a bag ban](
Viken, Sweden-based Valinge Innovation AB has received Patent No. 8,293,058, which describes a **method of separating used flooring** and producing new composite material.
**U.K. plastic recycling firm** Jayplas has [announced]( plans to **open a new facility**. Development of a 69-acre company-owned site will include a new wash facility and a workshop for its 150 fleet vehicles.
**GlaxoSmithKline**, a large pharmaceutical and healthcare company, has launched a new stewardship program that will allow consumers to **recycle empty respiratory inhalers**. The program will be offered to community-based retail pharmacies in 31 U.S. markets in an effort to offer an alternative to throwing away the inhalers, which are often not accepted in curbside recycling programs. GSK piloted the program in five markets, collecting nearly 2,700 inhalers during an unspecified time period. The company hopes to collect 100,000 inhalers, also during an unspecified time period.
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Plastics Recycling Update Magazine: Avangard, Ravago announce new partnership
_By Editorial Staff, Resource Recycling_
Two plastics recycling firms are teaming up. Ravago Manufacturing and Avangard Innovative's Field Service Division have announced the creation of the new joint venture Ravago Avangard Innovative.
The partnership will focus on more effectively providing resins, materials and product services to converters throughout the world. Avangard chief operating officer Chris Lendo will step in to run the new joint venture as general manager and vice president, with operations based at Avangard's existing Pasadena, Texas facility.
Ravago has over 551,000 tons of annual global plastic recycling and compounding capacity, with 18 facilities in North America, Europe and Turkey. For its part, Avangard manufactures densifiers and balers and operates 14 sorting and recycling facilities, including the Mexican FDA food-contact compliant PET reclaimer Petstar S.A. de C.V.
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Plastics Recycling Update Magazine: Coalition seeks top ideas from recycling’s best and brightest
_By Editorial Staff, Resource Recycling_
Solid waste and recycling giant Waste Management, as well as global aluminum firm Alcoa, the American Chemistry Council, Coca-Cola Recycling, glass recycling firm eCullet and Resource Recycling, Inc. (the parent company of this publication) have jointly announced a new competition aimed at incubating and rewarding innovative recycling ideas.
The Recycling Innovators Forum is open to anyone with an original, actionable and innovative idea for the future of recycling. RFPs in a dozen categories have been released along with the announcement, including topics such as improving data for collection programs, new ways to fund municipal recycling, business and market development, processing technologies for a range of material streams, and many more.
"Coca-Cola has long supported innovations in the recycling industry. We know more innovations are needed to reach our long-term goal of recovering 100 percent of the equivalent bottles and cans we place in the market," said Alain Robichaud, president of Coca-Cola Recycling LLC in a prepared statement. "We are pleased to sponsor the Recycling Innovators Forum and Competition, which we hope will identify innovations that lead to higher recycling rates and efficiencies."
Those wishing to participate must submit abstracts before January 7. Once submitted, proposals will be evaluated on a variety of factors, including scalability, implementation time-frame (ideally between one-to-five years), affordability and other criteria.
Submitters of the top proposals will be invited to present their ideas to a panel of judges and the attendees of the Recycling Innovators Forum, August 26, 2013 in Louisville, Kentucky. The first place prize includes a $20,000 honorarium, publication in Resource Recycling magazine, assistance with business plan development and the opportunity to pitch the idea to a panel of venture capitalists at the 2013 Resource Recycling Conference. Runner-up prizes for second and third place are also available, as well as networking opportunities with businesses and other potential backers.
More information, including proposal format guidelines, a full list of RFPs and key deadlines, can be found at [](
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Plastics Recycling Update Magazine: APR tackles shrink labels
_By Editorial Staff, Resource Recycling_
Shrink labels were a hot topic at the recently-concluded membership meeting of the Association of Postconsumer Plastic Recyclers. Many different label technologies are currently being employed and more and more shrink-labeled bottles are being used, with as much as 5 percent of bottles containing labels.
But this increased use has consequences for recycling. Some of the new labels have a specific gravity greater than one, meaning sink-float separation isn't effective. Also, the thickness of some labels increases in hot washing, which can make the material as thick as lightweighted water bottle scrap.
To address these and other issues, PepsiCo. recently undertook a recyclability study which compared the recycling of non-labeled bottles and a group of bottles in which half were labeled. Eleven different label compositions were analyzed.
"The good news is we have identified several recycling-friendly label materials," said Weilong Chiang of PepsiCo. These highly rated labels generally are polyolefin based, rather than being made from cavitated PETG and other polymers. In addition, the research found that
post-grind elutriation helps with shrink label removal.
The study also asked if perforated labels help or hurt bottle recycling. To address this issue, perforated labels were processed by Pure Tech and Evergreen Recycling. The researchers suggest that while perforation shows promise in terms of recyclability, this area needs further study.
Pascal Chapon contended that Sleever International's LDPET shrink labels should be considered by bottle makers because of its recyclability benefits. Sleever tested the impact of LDPET labels at 15 reclamation plants in Australia and Europe. Chapon says the research shows that 99 percent of the LDPET is removed in the sink-float and elutriation steps at PET reclamation plants. Sleever's LDPET labels are not used yet in North America.
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Earth911, YouChange complete merger, have new name
Miami-Dade County reports record recycling collection
Embattled Navistar to sell 10 million shares to raise cash
Stericycle beats expectations with third quarter earnings
European Commission seeks huge fines for illegal landfills in Italy
Maui County pays fine over alleged landfill air violations
Coll Materials closing Allentown, Pennsylvania, plant
Noveils opens 'largest beverage can' recycling plant in Asia
Investors seek compensation for losses in Swisher Hygiene stock
Six charged in Tennessee scrap theft scheme worth $1.8 million
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Reclaiming rare earths: Improving process to recycle rare-earth materials
Northern Illinois University employees charged with selling school's scrap
Oregon increased waste recovery rate to more than 52%
WRN's Largest Employers survey
Inhaler manufacturer launches program to recycle its product
Large-scale production of biofuels made from algae poses sustainability concerns
Mayors seek federal, state EPR legislation for mattresses
Advanced Disposal approved for multiple incentives in Florida
Eugene, Oregon, approves plastic bag ban, paper bag fee
Photo gallery: Garbage trucks from 1970 to today
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Turning Egg Cartons Into Stools — What You Make of It
Sports Industry Expands Its Environmental Initiatives
In Hong Kong, a Wasted Chance to Recycle Glass
Biogas Offers Poor Countries a Cleaner, Safer Fuel
Used Batteries From U.S. Expose Mexicans to Risk
Me and My Man Shed
Stony Brook’s Wang Center Shows Art From Chinese Design School
Seattle Bans Plastic Bags, and Sets a 5-Cent Charge for Paper
Brooklyn Plant Breathes Life Into Used Records
5¢ Deposits Set For Bottled Water
In New York, State Law Aimed at Making Electronics Recycling Easier Takes Effect
Recycling Recyclers of Program That Failed
Sending a Message in 12,000 Bottles
Exotic Woods Out of the Urban Wild
CIUDAD NEZAHUALCóYOTL JOURNAL; For Some in Mexico, Trash Is a Treasure Worth Defending
Upcycling Evolves From Recycling
Getting the Guests to Sort
Big Steel's Problems Are Home Grown; Low-Cost U.S. Mills Play a Bigger Role Than Imports in Eroding Profits
For New York City, Garbage Is a Resource
Prosperity Builds Mounds of Cast-Off Clothes
Where Do Computers Go When They Die?; Into the Attic, Under the Ping-Pong Table -- but Hardly Ever Into the Trash
Glass Once Discarded Gives a Town New Sparkle
Currents; RECYCLING MADE EASY -- Materialist Minimalism Invades Both Coasts
A New Life for a Polluted Old Bronx Rail Yard
An Obsessive Garbage Monitor Comes Clean
Plans to Build Paper Recycler In South Bronx Are Called Off
What Happened When the World Trade Center Lost Its Marbles
For New York City, Garbage Is a Resource
Residential Real Estate; High-Rise Recycling Turns to Automation
Passion Inspires Quirky Clocks
Banning the Dumping of Fluorescent Tubes
Photo gallery: Garbage trucks from 1950-1969
New Jersey hands out $13.1 million in recycling grants
Veolia Environnement, Suez discussed merger in August
Ikea plans to use 70% renewable energy by 2020
Waste Connections beats estimates, increases quarterly dividend
Biologists record increasing amounts of plastic litter in the Arctic deep sea
Salt Lake City to begin curbside glass collection next month
Fire reported at Hartford, Connecticut, recycling facility
Recycling company fined for safety violations after bales fell on worker
Group challenges PET association's resin-assessment plan
Monday, October 22, 2012
GM offers blueprint for others to achieve landfill-free status
Green packaging market worth $109B in 2011, expected to grow
Virginia reports an increase in recycling, single-stream operations
Caterpillar cuts 2012 forecast
Michigan hauler files for bankruptcy
Texas-based electronics recycling company spending $21M on new facility
NYC Mayor Bloomberg appoints new top sustainability official
WRN to honor 'Best Places to Work'
A tiny problem with Ottawa's new truck fleet
Friday, October 19, 2012
Plastics Recycling Update Magazine: NextLife announces new processing plant
_By Editorial Staff, Resource Recycling_
Plastics recycling firm NextLife Asset Recovery has announced plans to invest over $10 million to open a new facility and headquarters office in Rogers, Arkansas.
The company, which produces FDA food-contact level materials from post-consumer polypropylene, polyethylene and polystyrene, says the new plant will, initially, be primarily devoted to collection and sorting. NextLife plans to eventually add production lines to the new facility and says it is open to partnering with manufacturing firms to make finished plastic goods on-site.
The new plant will be the company's second processing facility and NextLife says the expansion will create up to 350 jobs in the local community.
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Resource Recycling Magazine: _Plastics Recycling 2013_: Exclusive information for your business
>From key processing issues, to critical market trends, to cutting-edge recycling technology issues, and everything in between, the upcoming Plastics Recycling Conference.
Now in its seventh year, the Plastics Recycling Conference attracts the plastics recycling industry's best and brightest with its highly-acclaimed agenda and dedication to recycling issues.
"The quality of the information was outstanding," said a plastics broker who attended last year's conference. "I came here with a list of questions I needed answers to on materials pricing and between the speakers and the networking areas, I had most of it done by the end of the first day."
Come get your facts straight from the source at the 2013 Plastics Recycling Conference, which will be held **March 19-20 in New Orleans**. For more information, visit [](
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Plastics Recycling Update Magazine: APR updates members on latest efforts
_By Editorial Staff, Resource Recycling_
The Association of Postconsumer Plastic Recyclers held its annual meeting last week in San Antonio, with the organization offering members an overview of its operations and updates on its latest projects.
APR now includes a record 126 member companies and has reported annual revenues of $825,000, expenses of $715,000 and reserves of $600,000. It is establishing a foundation in order to accept grants and other sources of funding, and the association says it is working on closer alliances with other industry groups, including a more coordinated effort in working with the Sustainable Packaging Coalition and encourages more of its members to join ASTM.
In personnel news, the organization elected four new members to the board of directors, including Dave Heglas of Trex Co., Tom Emmerich of Schupan Recycling, Byron Geiger of Custom Polymers PET and Scott Saunders of KW Plastics. APR also announced that Dave Cornell will be stepping down as technical director in January, to be replaced by John Standish.
On the technical side of things, the annual meeting offered a range of updates on ongoing projects and the latest trends in plastic recycling. For instance, injection stretch blow molding (ISBM) is being looked at as a new, efficient way to make HDPE bottles, especially for dairy applications. Mahesh Patkar of TOTAL Petrochemicals suggested this technology has many attributes. It results in resin lightweighting and high manufacturing throughputs.
But HDPE reclaimers have many concerns. Will HDPE ISBM affect recycling? Patkar noted that "ISBM containers are still high-density plastic. It's fully compatible with other forms of containers." He noted, however, that it is not possible to separate them from traditional blow-molded containers.
TOTAL plans to address recycling issues. "We're in early on this market development, and we're undertaking recycling studies, assuming a much-higher market penetration," he concluded.
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Resource Recycling Magazine: Novelis to boost recycling capacity
_By Editorial Staff, Resource Recycling_
Aluminum giant Novelis Inc. will seek to triple its recycling capacity by 2020 to keep pace with rising demand for recycled aluminum.
In an [interview]( with _Bloomberg Businessweek_, Derek Prichett, the company's vice president for global recycling, said that capacity could expand to 2.1 million metric tons by 2015 and to 4 million tons by 2020 from its current 1.2 million tons.
According to the article, Novelis' parent company, India-based Hindalco Industries Ltd., intends to make 50 percent of its products from recycled metal by 2015 and as much as 80 percent by 2020. Currently its products include 39 percent recycled content.
Novelis will build plants in Germany and South Korea while doubling capacity in Brazil, according to the article. Prichett also told the magazine that aluminum demand for auto applications may grow at an average rate of 25 percent globally over the next five years.
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E-Scrap News Magazine: NewsBits
There's a **new organization in the U.S. focused on rare earth metal use, recovery and recycling**. The Rare Earth Technology Alliance held its inaugural meeting on Oct. 17 to develop an education and outreach strategy, as well as decide on the new group's focus. A list of founding members can be found [here](
**All Green Recycling**, an e-scrap recycling company, has announced a partnership with logistics company **RedOrange LLC** that will focus on managing the disposition of unwanted electronics of government agencies, large companies and developing countries. The new partnership will operate under the name **All Green Global LLC**.
**Connecticut** has put out a call for applications for interested recycling **firms to become approved Covered Electronic Recyclers** for the state's e-scrap. More information can be directed to [Mark Latham]( at the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection. The deadline for applications is Nov. 25.
Environmental watchdog Earthworks has launched a **new cell phone recycling program**. The [online]( take-back initiative will allow consumers to mail in their old device, which will be recycled by e-scrap processor MPC.
The [Pennsylvania Recycling Markets Center]( has **recognized eForce Compliance with the William M. Heenan Markets Development Award** for its work in the electronics recycling industry in the state. The company expects to collect over 3.4 million pounds of electronics for recycling in 2012.
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