Friday, August 17, 2012

Plastics Recycling Update Magazine: NewsBits

## NewsBits

The Continuous Improvement Fund, the Canadian Plastics Industry Association and Stewardship Ontario have issued a **RFP for projects to research and evaluate options for flexible film plastics packaging collection and recycling**. More information is available [here][1].

The **Maryland** Department of Agriculture is sponsoring a summer collection program for **empty plastic pesticide containers**, reports [_www.thebaynet.com_][2]. The collected containers will be made into **plastic lumber** and other recycled products.

The Sierra Club's **Florida** chapter has made enacting a **bottle bill** one of its top priorities, reports [_www.floridatoday.com_][3]. The environmental group argues that the measure will aid clean up beaches, produce jobs and help the state reach its **75-percent recycling goal** by 2020.

With the **Olympic Games** all wrapped up, recycling company and **Axion Recycling** and charity **Article 25** will begin the process of **recycling the plastic wrap that surrounded the stadium**, according to a [post][4] on the website of scrap brokerage firm scrap-ex.

Hoping to create a brand of recycled products that appeal to **younger consumers**, musician, of the **Black-Eyed Peas**, and The Coca-Cola Company are partnering to make a line of clothing and gear called **Ekocycle**, reports [_The Associated Press_][5]. The first product will be a pair of "Beats" headphones – the popular line of headphones created and promoted by producer Dr. Dre – made from about three plastic bottles and will cost $349.

[![China Replas 2012 Banner][6] ][7]

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[6]: (China Replas 2012 Banner)


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