Friday, August 17, 2012

Plastics Recycling Update Magazine: Findings spell bad news for bag bans

## Findings spell bad news for bag bans

_By Editorial Staff, Resource Recycling_

The National Center for Policy Analysis, a Dallas-based public policy research organization, has released the results of a new study showing plastic bag bans have a negative effect on retailers.

NCPA surveyed Los Angeles County retailers in the year since the county's bag ban took effect and found that stores affected by the ban saw an overall average sales decline of approximately 6 percent, versus stores not affected by the ban enjoying a sales increase of 9 percent. Additionally, the survey found that 48 percent of the stores affected by the ban lost money on the purchase of reusable bags. Of that number, 29 percent stopped providing reusable bags for purchase. The survey also explored the environmental impacts of plastic, paper and reusable bags.

The full results of the survey are available [here][1].

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[2]: (Herbold Banner)


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