Friday, July 13, 2012

Resource Recycling Magazine: Nova Scotia mill idled

## Nova Scotia mill idled

_By Editorial Staff, Resource Recycling_

Resolute Forest Products Inc. (RFP), formerly AbitibiBowater, has indefinitely idled its newsprint mill in the Canadian province of Nova Scotia.

The mill produced newsprint primarily for export and the company made the decision to shutter the facility in the face of declining prices in those markets and unfavorable currency fluctuations. The indefinite idling will reduce RFP's annual capacity by about 250,000 metric tons of newsprint and will affect about 320 employees. Additionally, RFP expects to incur certain charges as a result of idling the plant, including costs for severance payments and other termination benefits.

The company is also assessing the feasibility of selling all of its assets in Nova Scotia, including its private timberlands, sawmill and paper mill. The indefinite idling became effective on June 17.

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