Friday, December 7, 2012

Plastics Recycling Update Magazine: Michigan bottle bill fraud fears rise following ruling

## Michigan bottle bill fraud fears rise following ruling

_By Editorial Staff, Resource Recycling_

Somewhere Kramer and Newman might be loading up a truck full of bottles and cans following a ruling by a judge that struck down a Michigan law that requires companies to put a special mark on beverage containers covered by the state's bottle bill.

According to a [report]( in _The Associated Press_, a federal appeals court ruled last week that the law, which mandates that only containers with a special mark can be sold in Michigan and other states with a container deposit system in place, unduly regulates interstate commerce and was now moot. In 2008, the law was approved in an effort to prevent people from importing bottles and cans from other states and redeeming them for the dime deposit in Michigan, which is the plot of the classic two-part Seinfeld episode, "[The Bottle Deposit]("

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