## Film recycling bill fails veto override
_By Editorial Staff, Resource Recycling_
Legislation that would have created a statewide recycling program for plastic bags in Illinois is dead for now after the state Senate failed to override the governor's veto.
[Senate Bill 3442](http://www.ilga.gov/legislation/billstatus.asp?DocNum=3442&GAID=11&GA=97&DocTypeID=SB&LegID=65044&SessionID=84) would have required manufacturers of plastic film and wrap operating or selling into the state to create a producer responsibility program to collect and recycle their products once consumers were done with them. It required a 12-percent recycling rate for film and wrap by 2015, while also mandating that these products contain at a minimum 30-percent recycled content.
Although the legislation had the support of the state's retail lobby, it was opposed by environmentalists and local governments who worried that the measure would restrict their ability to also regulate plastic bags and films. Gov. Pat Quinn, who shared these concerns, [vetoed the bill](http://resource-recycling.com/node/3055) in August.
"As far as I'm concerned, this is the end," said Sen. Terry Link (D-Waukegan), sponsor of the recycling proposal, to [_The State Journal-Register_](http://www.sj-r.com/thedome/x970315390/Plastic-bag-recycling-plan-scrapped-in-legislature). "I've worked five years to get an agreement."
Senators voted 24-23 to override the veto, falling short of the 36 votes needed.
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URL: http://resource-recycling.com/node/3311
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