Wednesday, December 12, 2012

E-Scrap News Magazine: Patent watch

## Patent watch

Tokyo's Shibaura Institute of Technology has received Patent No. 8,317,896, which describes a **method of recovering metals from flat panel displays**, using an aqueous acid solution.

Empire Technology Development LLC of Wilmington, Delaware has submitted Patent Application No. 20120302779, which describes a method of **recovering lithium from scrap lithium-ion batteries**.

Panasonic has filed Patent Application 20120305456, outlining a method of **determining whether an electronics case contains brominated flame retardants** by measuring its light absorption spectrum.

For more information on these or any patents, please consult the U.S. Patent Office database [online](

_Copies of patents can be ordered by number for $3 each from the Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks, P.O. Box 1450, Alexandria, VA, 22313-1450._

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