Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Resource Recycling Magazine: Re-gifting Christmas

## Re-gifting Christmas

_By Editorial Staff, Resource Recycling_

Kids grow up fast and go through toys fast, so why not save some money and natural resources by reusing and re-gifting toys? That's the logic behind used toy exchanges that are happening across the country and online.

The Northampton, Massachusetts Department of Public Works ReUse Committee is sponsoring its second annual "[Toy Exchange]( exchange poster 12.8.12.pdf)" on Dec. 8 that will allow residents to save money and natural resources while de-cluttering their homes by allowing them to swap toys and kids' sporting equipment. At the event, which will be held at a local school, volunteers will receive donations of clean, gently used toys and sporting equipment. Toy donors will receive first choice of merchandise.

The Fountaindale Public Library in Bolingbrook, Illinois held its first toy swap earlier this month, reports [_bolingbrook.patch.com_]( Participants received a voucher for every toy they donated that could be redeemed for another. Like the Northampton event, those that donated toys got the first pick.

In Bainbridge Island, Washington, the Bainbridge Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints holds a "Gift Giving Exchange," an event held on the weekend before Thanksgiving each year to encourage residents to re-gift toys instead of discarding them, reports the [_Kitsap Sun_]( At the event one table is dedicated to stuffed animals, another with model cars and plastic dollhouses. Some brought items that would interest adults, as well. Organizers gave each donor "Giving Bucks" for each item they donated that are roughly equivalent to how much they'd sell it at a garage sale that could be redeemed for other items.

For those that don't have a local toy exchange there are online options, too, such as the [New York Toy Exchange, Inc.](, [](, [](

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