Friday, December 7, 2012

E-Scrap News Magazine: Wisconsin collects nearly 100 million pounds of e-scrap

## Wisconsin collects nearly 100 million pounds of e-scrap

_By Editorial Staff, Resource Recycling_

Wisconsin's e-scrap program has collected nearly 100 million pounds of electronics at registered collection sites since the state's take-back program was established in 2010.

The manufacturer-funded [E-Cycle Wisconsin]( program specifically covers TVs, desktop and laptop computers, monitors, computer peripherals, e-readers, home A/V equipment, fax machines and mobile phones. During E-Cycle Wisconsin's most recent program year, participating collectors took in 39.1 million pounds of electronics, or about 6.8 pounds per capita.

There are now more than 400 permanent electronics collection points in the state, many of which accept items for free or a small charge. The number of registered collection sites has increased 70 percent since E-Cycle Wisconsin began in January 2010.

Despite the program's success to date, a survey conducted by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources found that landfill and transfer station operators are still routinely seeing electronics in trash loads.

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